Federation of Youth Clubs of Armenia (FYCA) is happy to open a call for Armenian participants for an international seminar in Bulgaria, from 2-9 September 2019. The seminar will be implemented within the frame of “Raising the capacities of youth NGOs for rural youth participation in democratic life – VOTE!” long-term project.
The project aims to bring the organisations from all over the Europe working in rural youth development and raise the capacities of youth NGOs to encourage youth active participation in European democratic life. The participants will experience an intense learning process that will enable them to develop the competences to efficiently plan, implement and evaluate multiplication initiatives.
It will be composed by a mixed group of rural youth leaders and youth workers from the partner organisations.
The seminar will allow youth workers to develop their competences to successfully work with young people from rural areas. It will also increase the knowledge, skills and attitudes on the fields of advocacy, rural youth engagement, election participation, election observation, and on project development.
If you are interested to participate in the project, please, complete the application form until the 21st of July, 2019.