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Youth Workers need quality education

“International Youth Studies” project’s last and evaluating meeting was held in Brussels

The biggest youth organization in Armenia - the Federation of Youth Clubs of Armenia (FYCA) is implementing “International Youth Studies: Curricula, Distance Learning Course and Open Educational Materials – InYouS” long term capacity building project together with its partners.

The aim of this meeting was the evaluation of the project and developing content and modules for youth worker’s distance learning course, which will be ready in June 2019. At the same time participants evaluated the previous 4 international activities, which has been implemented in Armenia, Georgia, Czech Republic and Ukraine.

In the course will be included modules on organizational, project management, Youth Worker’s competences, youth work methodology, education, policy, communication and public relations, recognition, evaluation, participation, European youth work and institutions, as well as graphic facilitation.

One of the programme days was devoted to visits, during which the participants and the organizing team paid visit to the EU European Commission’s Directorates General Education and Culture (DG EAC) institution having a meeting with Youth policy and support through Erasmus+ Policy Officer Michail Moschovakos, Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)’s Lene Mejer, the Deputy Head of Unit of Erasmus+: Sport, Youth and EU Aid Volunteers and Christelle Philips, the Project Officer in Capacity Building Youth sector. After presenting the steps and outcomes of the project, the organizers and participants asked questions to the EU representatives on European Union Youth Strategy, Youth Work Agenda, how young people can be more involved in EU’s decision-making process and to be heard.

The CBY Project Officer Christelle Philips greeted the present people pointing that such a meeting is first time happening with their beneficiary in this format. She gave practical advice on how to make the results of the project more visible, better coordinate and document the project.

The second stop was the meeting with representatives of the European Youth Forum, the biggest European youth organization.

The coordinator of InYouS project, FYCA international secretary Diana Yeghiazaryan presented to the European Youth Forum in details the activities carried out during the recent 2 years for youth work recognition underlying what result is being expected at the end of “International Youth Studies” project. According to Diana Yeghiazaryan, youth workers who currently are not recognized in the EU Eastern Partnership countries and are struggling for better recognition in the EU member states will have the opportunity to use the experience and open educational materials developed during the project and participate in an online study course.

Atom Mkhitaryan, the president of FYCA, the Scientific Secretary of ISEC of the NAS RA, informed the participants of the meeting that lots of efforts have been put for this project, besides already active work has been done to create an online workshop on youth work that can be further expanded. "We give great importance to the promotion and recognition of youth work. It plays important role in Armenia and Europe. In this field we are trying to implement both already tested and innovative ideas. To have an organization like the European Youth Forum on the list of supporters is important. We are united in the actions aimed at the recognition of youth work, and we pay primary attention to qualified youth work and education”.

The representative of the European Youth Forum's Secretariat, Policy Officer, Liva Vikmane, said that such meetings are not only needed to know each other's successes and needs, but these are also of great importance for expanding the scope of cooperation. Andrea Casamenti, a board member of Youth Forum, also noted that they are always interested in the topics covered in the agenda of various European organizations operating in the field of youth work. "We are glad that youth work has a great place in the agenda of the Federation of Youth Clubs. We are ready to support FYCA in all matters that you will need".

During the evaluation meeting several practical issues related to the expected outcome of the International Youth Studies course, including active dissemination of the project results were also actively discussed. Representatives of the European Youth Forum made suggestions and individual remarks wishing to share their experiences with the FYCA and other partners of the program.

To learn more about the project, visit the project’s website:

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