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Create Your Grassroots! Call for Participants :)

Federation of Youth Clubs of Armenia and its partner organization, Youth and Environment Europe(YEE) are announcing an open call for participants for the international training course Create Your Grassroots” that will take place from 1 – 7 July 2019 in Brno, Czech Republic.

"Create Your Grassroots" is the second activity of YEE’s project ‘Let Grassroots Grow’ supported by the European Youth Foundation, Council of Europe and Erasmus+.

Today in Europe, many young people still feel skeptical about the institutionalized politics, future of Europe and their participation in the social and political life of their communities, grassroots projects and activism could be seen as the right tool for making a real and youth-led change in society.

The aim of the training course is to develop the competences of environmental youth organisations needed to organize and support effective grassroots projects.

Objectives of the training course are:

– To explore, learn and practice diverse tools and methods of grassroots project management

– To give tools and knowledge on how to work with local authorities and get funding and support for grassroots actions

– To plan local grassroots-related action using new skills and tools

In order to increase capacities of young people to advocate for grassroots initiatives:

* We will train various competences that youth workers need in order to organize successful environmental grassroots projects and support young people and local communities. *We will have sessions on how to identify the problem and check if grassroots approach fits it, how to identify stakeholders, work with community, get funding, attract young people, organize the work of volunteers, finalize projects. *The last part of the training will be devoted to planning the local projects. Learn what grassroots activism and actions are, and in particular environmental grassroots movements.

Participant Profile:

We welcome applications from those who are interested in the topic, are motivated to learn and share knowledge with an international group of young people in the training course and get involved in projects on the topic following the course. The criteria for applying are the following:

  • Be aged between 18-30

  • Be active in a YEE member organisation or work/volunteer directly with young people as a youth leader, youth worker, peer educator

  • Have experience or interest in the topic of environmental grassroots movements.

  • Have at least an intermediate level of English

  • Be able to attend the whole seminar and preparatory task before the seminar

  • Take initiative in organizing local actions after July 2019

  • Have the motivation to take back the learning experience to FYCA and your community

The program will be based on the principles of non-formal education and intercultural learning. We strive for an active, inclusive program that includes direct communication and a sharing of knowledge. The sessions will be balanced between theoretical inputs, workshops, discussions, training and other interactive methods of non-formal learning.


The full cost of working materials, visa and lodging (accommodation in multi-bed rooms, vegetarian food, and refreshments) during the training will be covered by the organizers.

Participation Fee: In exchange, we ask for a participation fee of 50 EUR.

Visa costs will be fully reimbursed. YEE will reimburse 80% of travel cost within reasonable limits and within Europe for all participants. All with the condition to follow YEE travel policy to combine the most economic and environmentally friendly way (lowest price + travel time + CO2 emissions).



Extended deadline for applications: 19 MAY 2019 (23:59 CET).

You will be informed about the results of the selection by 23 MAY 2019.

We are looking forward to receiving your applications! :)

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