"Voluntary Youth Work Recognition for Employability" Erasmus+ capacity building project is developed by FYCA's member Social and Youth Workers NGO and its European partners. The main aim of the project is to increase recognition of voluntary youth work in society and among employers, to acknowledge and validate youth volunteering in local, regional and national level, develop volunteers' competences and link them to the labor market. The aim of the Study Visit is to examine the best existing practice of voluntary youth work recognition mechanisms working in real life.
- Investigate the good practices of implementation as to structures, regulations, mechanisms and tools in the field of Voluntary Work Recognition using non-formal education methods;
- Raise awareness on access to policies, regulations and state law on Voluntary Work and to advocate for volunteer recognition and volunteers’ employability;
- To underline the importance of Voluntary Youth Work recognition fostering employment of youth work field volunteers;
The outcome of the Study Visit is foreseen to make a conceptual framework for the Project’s following Activities (Training Course, Local Awareness Raising Campaigns) based on the gained knowledge, ideas, information derived by the example of the Swedish experience.
Methodology: The study Visit will include visits and meetings with volunteering infrastructure in Sweden, which is composed of non-governmental, governmental and private sector. They will introduce a good example of national level bodies that bring together public and private sector representatives to help drive the policy dialogue and overall development of volunteering. We will do case studies of recognition tools in volunteering. Through every day evaluations, we will find out to which direction we need to go in order to achieve the best results after the project. We will do group works and brainstorming activities to generate ideas for the next Activity.
● Have a basic understanding of Recognition and Validation of competencies gained through Volunteering, Youth Work;
● Have an understanding of Non-Formal Education;
● Have an interest in Voluntary Youth Work Recognition;
● Be motivated to lead a follow-up Information and awareness raising campaigns locally;
● Age limit: 18+ years old;
● Able to work in English;
● Available for the full duration of the study visit.
We can cover 100% of travel expenses under the conditions of ERASMUS plus programme rules on reimbursement limitations per country. There is a participation fee for this Study Visit.
Armenians can apply here: https://forms.gle/N9Ggpji4o82iMEKC7 The deadline to apply is 25th of April 2019. Having a membership card will be considered as an advantage when assessing the applications. Only successful applicants will be contacted.