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"Aiming by Gaming" Youth Exchange is completed!

Recently FYCA members and volunteers took part in a youth exchange project entitled "Aiming by Gaming" in Varna, Bulgaria. The main aim of activity was to raise the competencies of participants through discussions on concepts of Game-Based Learning and Gamification.

Hosted at a beautiful seaside, the project brought together almost 30 young people from Italy, Lithuania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Georgia and Armenia to exchange practices and learn from each other.

Developed as a flow of games, the international project introduced concepts of not only gamification and game-based learning, but also Learning by doing, Simulation, Informal and Non-Formal Learning, and helped significantly to develop and improve teamwork, communication, cooperation and presentation skills of the participants. One of the key sessions in the project was called “Gamify it”, in which teams successfully suggested solutions for issues in the aspects of Education, Environment, Minorities, Sports, and Fewer opportunities.

Throughout the duration of the project, the participants also took various roles of assisting in organizational tasks, leading energizers and doing media recordings. Secret games, buddy times, sessions on the beach, ‘gamified’ intercultural nights and an overall entertaining design of the project – all of these have contributed to the formation of strong bonds between the participants.

Motivated and inspired from this life-changing experience, they plan to apply the knowledge gained also on designing sessions, workshops and youth exchanges, to implement follow-up activities and projects that would help to make difference in the lives of other youngsters, both locally and internationally.

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