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Երիտասարդական ակումբների դաշնությունը, խրախուսելով երիտասարդների ակտիվ մասնակցությունը սոցիալական և հասարակական գործընթացներում, հնարավորություն է ընձեռում յուրաքանչյուր անհատի և երիտասարդների կազմակերպված խմբի (երիտասարդական ակումբ, կենտրոն, նախաձեռնություն, ծրագիր կամ ՀԿ) դառնալ կազմակերպության անդամ/կամավոր, մասնակցել որոշումների կայացման գործընթացին։ ԵԱԴ-ն իր 20-ամյա գործունեության ընթացքում եղել և շարունակում է մնալ յուրաքանչյուր երիտասարդի ինքնազարգանալու, կրթվելու, սեփական նախաձեռնություններն ու գաղափարներն իրականացնելու, երիտասարդական աշխատանքի ոլորտում փորձ ձեռք բերելու լավագույն հարթակը:

  • Northern University
    Armenia. Yerevan, St. Aleq Manukyan 15a Directory Phone Numbers՝ 57-33-17 Web-page՝ E-mail address՝ (+37410)554092, Northern University was founded in 1996 by setting an objective to ensure the principles of scientism, law abidance, humanity, equity and patriotism. The University has initially adopted a unique mission to organize higher education of Armenian immigrated youth, from former Soviet Republics, particularly Russia, in the homeland (this is how comes the name ''Northern”). Northern University has been remained faithful to his mission during his establishment and 20 years activity. Northern University considers its mission to provide availability and transparency in education along with international advanced experience and best national traditions, implementation of education ensuring accessibility, availability, organization transparency and humanitarian values combining the best national traditions and international advanced experience-aiming at training specialists able to apply obtained knowledge for the following fields-enterprise economics and management, law, informatics, journalism, philology, psychology, education.
  • National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia
    The National Academy of Sciences of Armenia is the top scientific institution of the Republic, based upon centuries-old original fruitful historical, scholarly, cultural and educational knowledge and traditions of the Armenian Nation, it is called upon to consolidate the efforts by the scientists to do basic research in many fields of science, to identify and to reconsider the spiritual legacy of the Nation in order to effect national security as well as social and economic problems.
  • Belarusian Public Union New Faces
    BYPU “New Faces” (Belarusian youth non-governmental organization) was registered by Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus on the 20th of February in 1997. From then on for more than 20 years already we have been doing our best to contribute to solving social problems in the Republic of Belarus and support the initiative of those who care. Our mission is based on the principals of openness, tolerance and equality, using innovative ways of work and methods of non-formal education, we promote the building of an active civil position of the young people of the Republic of Belarus. Our contacts: e-mail:
  • Bulgarian Youth Forum
    Bulgarian Youth Forum was launched as a student club in 2007. With the increasing interest in the activities of the club and the increase of active young members in it, a decision for the establishment of an NGO to facilitate the implementation and coordination of youth projects and ideas was taken. After registration in the Vidin District Court in early 2012 Bulgarian Youth Forum has expanded its activities at a national and international level. The Board of Directors of the organization decided to register it in the Vidin region since one of the goals of the organisation is to help the youth in one of the poorest regions in the country. Some of our other priorities include: Establishment and facilitation of socially beneficial activities, having a direct and indirect impact on developing the youth potential. Helping the youth in their efforts to formulate a complete, long-term and sustainable vision for the development of young people in Bulgaria. Development of unpopular tourist destinations in Bulgaria and popularization of Bulgarian historical and cultural heritage among the young people.
  • International Education Center GEMS
    The association is voluntary non-profit organization, operating within the territory of the Czech Republic and in other countries with a legal entity under Czech law. The organization is open to all individuals and institutions, regardless of political, social, religious or other orientation. BASIC AIMS OF THE ASSOCIATION: To support international cooperation and intercultural understanding To promote lifelong learning opportunities and to help the development of individual interests and positive life attitudes To support prevention of risky behaviour mainly for children and youth To strength an international cooperation in order to share knowledge, ideas and experience to better develop activities To create same opportunities, employment and fight social exclusion To support rural development and healthy lifestyle To contribute to sustainable development To involve local community and support voluntary service in general
  • European Confederation of Youth Clubs ECYC
    ECYC represents a European network of youth work and youth club organisations that practice and promote open youth work and non-formal education. With 20 nationally represented organisations in 18 Council of Europe member states, reaching 1.2 million young people, the organisation has at its heart the supporting of youth clubs and other forms of neighbourhood youth work. The vision of the European Confederation of Youth Clubs (ECYC) is to empower young people through open youth work and non-formal learning in order to promote democratic and civil society and to encourage young people to be actively involved in their communities. Involving young people and helping them participate actively in their community is the leading principle of Open Youth Work as delivered by ECYC members. ECYC uses open youth work and non-formal education methods in providing young people with the skills and knowledge to make their own informed decisions.
  • Umbrella
    “Umbrella” is a multi-profile non-governmental youth organization based on liberal and democratic values, with the mission to promote the establishment of a modern, healthy, tolerant, inclusive and educated society. In order to meet this task, the association has been implementing the educational and youth development programs. The main priority of the organization is to support the issues related to youth (from 14-35 age) in Georgia. The objectives of the organization are to support the young people’s physical, spiritual and educational development and to create educational initiatives developing young people’s competence in the field of civil society, environment, human rights and peace-building and to promote intercultural relations in Georgian society.
  • National Youth Council of Moldova
    National Youth Council of Moldova (CNTM) was registered as a Public Association on 18th of February 1999 and is an umbrella structure of 61 youth organizations, and its mission is to empower young people to participate actively in the society, promote the interests of the young people from Moldova in its relations with government and international institutions, to develop youth associative structures through the implementation of program activities, trainings, information, advocacy and consulting services. Vision: Promoting the interests of young people from Moldova, contributing to the development of the youth associations by organizing programs and activities of information, lobby, education and consulting. Mission: CNTM is the organization that meets interests of young people in Moldova and it serves as a unique national platform of the youth associative sector.
  • The Federation of Youth Associations of the District of Porto (FAJDP)
    The Federation of Youth Associations of the District of Porto (FAJDP) is a non-governmental, non-partisan and non-profit organization. Its mission is to fight against all forms of discrimination, promote youth participation through non-formal education and the construction of an active, tolerant and supportive citizenship. Founded in 1986 by a group of youth associations is the first representative structure of the local associative movement to emerge in Portugal. FAJDP has more than 100 affiliated associations and represent more than 25 thousand young people directly and indirectly involved in associative activities. Its main mission is to represent the youth associations of the municipalities of the district of Porto with the public and political powers, in defense of the interests of the youth association movement. Participating, therefore, in the definition of transversal policies directed to youth in general and the associative movement in particular.
  • Institute of Research and Innovation in Education INBIE
  • Group of the European Youth for Change - GEYC
    Group of the European Youth for Change - GEYC is a Romanian established non-profit youth organisation active at European and international levels. GEYC is a member of the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs (European Commission) and PRISMA European Network. Our mission? To empower young people to create a positive change in their community.
  • Swenska Youth League
  • Liberty Forum
    Youth organization “Liberty Forum” (LF) is non-profit, non-governmental organization which works mainly with young people aged 16-30, with the general aim of uniting of active youth of different social, cultural and national backgrounds in Ukraine. Our aims are to promote European values in Ukraine and create strong network of active youth through the Europe. To develop young leaders, enhancing youth participation in local social, economical and political life and supporting youth initiatives, to foster the cultural exchanges between Ukraine and other countries, to cooperate with other organizations with similar aims, to turn ideas into actions.
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